Thursday, May 2, 2013

38 Es como se sienten los 88 de la Señora María, qué inspiración es mi abuelita linda!

This ditty for mi abuelita's 88th birthday is influenced by the Colombian rhythms and lyricism of "Campesina Santandereana" which has always made me think of my grandma "Lita" when she headed from high school in rural Málaga to nursing school in Bogotá, achieving her goals of service, independence and family life as she tamed the capital city into a "ruana" to guard her from the cold. Entre el tintero se quedó esta estrofita: "María Antonia es la mejor doña y con su novena biznieta retoña, la Manti-tocaya su nombre retoma y renueva el legado de LA GRAN SEÑORA, MARÍA..." (3:55) To the mommy of my mommy (Doña María) I wish a very happy birthday and a tasty SANCOCHO PA' LOS 88...Abuelita tú eres mi musa y mi mecenas, me inspiraste a realizar mi sueño 'Made in USA', te mereces un sancocho delicioso en la iMusa, me fascina todo lo que preparas en la cocina, recuerdo mucho tus dulces de guayaba y tomate de árbol en Tenjo... Ay Manti, Manti danza, danza con tu bisabuelita! (7:16) Original idea for preceding ditty from May 1st 2003 when she turned 78 and we talked on the phone about their celebration of my nephew's 2nd birthday on April 29...Now Juan Pablo is turning 12 and here's a couple recordings [like @ (10:10) Dudú's song for David] from October 2010 after his family moved from Bogotá to New Haven, in which J.P. recaps my indie short film McFly in Mandalay and (11:11) shares one of his piano compositions while Gabriel eagerly calls for tío John's attention in the background (12:24) After emptying the answering machine that included a lovely greeting from aMyBeLoved I responded with a heartfelt THANK YOU I LOVE YOU...10 yrs later the ditty turns into a tirade about mutuality expectations and a thwarted understanding of romantic love (like the pop song 'I want/need/ beg/hurt/kiss... you to want/need/ beg/hurt/kiss me (15:24) From 9911 End of Uncertainty,GaGA's (remembering my first Thanksgiving in the U.S. the previous year which was a double, one at Yolanda's in Davie and the other at Gary Schmidt's in Miami), My heart CANNOT STAND IT TO BE QUIET | If randomJBmusings new m.o. stands as it is, this recording would be tackled in 2019 not 2013, a little cheating here because I'd been meaning to use it as filler for a while.

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The music of John Bernal (J.B. López) is freely downloadable and distributable from a account and is directly available here.

Instrumental Music For Quiet Times

Instrumental Music For Quiet Times
Deeper In Love 2004 Instrumentals for quiet times

Music for Christmas!

Music for Christmas!
Christmas Love 2005 - produced in a Yamaha Motif ES

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