Saturday, March 23, 2013

33 [eJC pt. 3] Por la Fuerza del Señor, TengoLaEsperanza, NadaComoTuAmor, Día-D'Victoria, J.C. El Capitán

POR LA FUERZA DEL SEÑOR | By the strength of the Lord we will enter many battles and vanquish the enemy for good; the victory is the Lord's and by faith it's ours today, we will reign with Him forever...Let's already put on the armor of God for this victory is for the Lord, glory be forever to the Lamb of God (3:34) TENGO LA ESPERANZA | I have hope I will enjoy eternity and certainty I will never die, because Christ has given me salvation, in His death my sin He forgave and in His resurrection He gave me eternal life, so with Him I will be able to enjoy forever life; I want to be with Him always so I will want for nothing more (7:01) Cuando pienso en Ti Señor, todo a mi alrededor es muestra de Tu amor...NADA ES TAN GRANDE COMO TU AMOR, ni siquiera el universo que creaste, pero todo es muestra de Tu amor, todas las cosas me dicen que Tú eres amor, y yo veo en mi vida el amor que me has dado al haberme dado amor para amar a los demás como Tú me has amado (9:41) CANTO Y DÍA DE VICTORIA | Let the warriors in God's army come and sing melodies of victory, where are the warriors in the army of God? Today the victory is for the Lord; today is a day of victory for God, today His people are up in arms and the Lord is glorified (14:14) The Lord Jesus Christ is the Captain of our army and we are His soldiers; we are to attain the heavenly reward for His glory, in order that everything be put under His feet; the Lord Jesus Christ has the victory, He will be Conqueror forever...El Señor Jesucristo es EL CAPITÁN de nuestro ejército y nosotros somos sus soldados, hemos de ganar el premio celestial para su gloria, para sujetar todo a sus pies; //el Señor Jesucristo tiene la victoria, para siempre Él es vencedor// [Notes: that's NYC Mayor Bloomberg on C-span about gun control at the end | All the 1993 'red86' tape excerpts feature the sounds of the Yamaha V50 sequencer synthesizer that my Abuelita Maríantonia got me for un millón de pesos en el Mall de las Américas-SAOlímpica en 1991! Valió la pena sí o pa qué, lita?]

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

32 [eJC pt. 2] NoCondemnation (Romans 8)+ NoMoreSinDomination, TeSientoTanCerca, Somos la Iglesia

Welcome to randomJBmusings episode #32. Part 2 of about 5 to showcase the 1993 Mandalay-bedroom originated devotionalbum "Es Jesucristo," clearly influspired by the excellent productions of Hosanna/Integrity Music out of Mobile, Alabama, deservedly paid homage to at the end of the first song...There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus (Ro 8:1) Así pues, no hay ninguna condenación para aquellos que están unidos a Cristo (3:12) ROMANOS 8 [C:\Users\compaq user\Desktop\JBL music\JBL tapes#1\1993\9301 Es Jesucristo.ThinkThank.CC.red86\23 Sólo Dios pudo hacer lo que en la ley era imposible PERDONAR TODO EL PECADO.mp3]: Only God could do that which was impossible under the law: to forgive all of humanity's sin; He had to send His own Son in the likeness of sinful man in order to become a perfect sacrifice for sin, and thus finish it off along with its dominance over mankind. Now we are able to comply with God's law, for we no longer live according to the flesh but to the Spirit of God (6:26) TE SIENTO TAN CERCA | I feel you so near me because your love fills me with you and it is so easy to praise, it is beautiful to worship...pues Tú estás aquí (10:16) SOMOS LA IGLESIA (Hebrews 3:6) We are the Church, built as a dwelling for God's love and as witness thereof, we are the Bride of the Lord and today we bow before God as only He deserves the praise of His people and He is our only Protector; we've been chosen by God in His love as His house, built as the dwelling of His Spirit...[interspersed excerpts from original 1993 'red86' cRassette tape]

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ep. 31 Es Jesucristo ('coritos' de 1993)

Going back one then 2 decades per new rJBm.o., 1993 proved a fruitful and fateful year in the harvest of tapes that made it to shore in a suitcase upon my 1998 transplantation, which one by one will be dutifully tackled in this podcast beginning with "Es Jesucristo."...el Hijo de Dios, quien por nosotros bajó del cielo para darnos la salvación, ES JESUCRISTO el Salvador, Él es el santo, bueno y justo mas por nosotros se hizo pecado...I know a man who loved you to the point of giving his life for you (3:03) DIOS TODOPODEROSO, your glory is seen in all the earth (5:33) MI AMIGO ES JESÚS, Jesus is my the morning I thank him for life and for the people in my life (7:55) "Del corazón del que cree en mí brotarán RÍOS DE AGUA VIVA" (es decir, que los que creen en Jesús recibirán el Espíritu Santo, John 8:38)

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

30 MissingMyTIKISunshine,SinTiNoVale,LoveIsInTheAir+Gabriel's new SnipeHuntingShow!

MISSING MY SUNSHINE [For my sister Martha Patricia ("Tika") on her birthday] Things are going crazy on my end, you've been busy too I understand, we have been apart far too long, I have been missing you...I remember how we used to pray to reach some distant land to save the day, all the while our dreams came true but I'm still missing you; I'm missing the sunshine and you're missing the moon, I wish I was with you on this lazy afternoon, tomorrow is your birthday and I won't miss it no, I'm missing you...//I miss my sunshine, I'm missing you// I was the pilot of our box airplane, you served the drinks as we flew far away, we had dreams of growing up someday and make it in our own terms; you clearly had a vision from the start, I was more clueless but played the part; all the while our dreams came true but I'm still missing you...

(4:12) [For my brother-in-law Jorge Alberto in the wake of your dad's passing] Morning awakes like a dream, joyful in your eyes; the mountains arise very youthful with laughter that saw your hours as dreams give themselves away...when you are not here rivers and dreams are awoken if you are not here...SI NO ESTÁS TÚ NO VALE LA PENA...Mountains arise and longings are distilled, dreams are untied and skies burst with stars, be it morning or evening our mournings are understood as drops condense in the fleeting clouds; if I can reach it and have it but you are not here, if I could change it and still have it but you are not there, it is not worth all this sorrow (8:30) LOVE IS IN THE AIR, understandably I feel it everywhere from my nose to my toes as I run my fingers through your hair, how can all this flair be fair but everywhere I go I can sense that love is in the air (11:24) Introducing rising radio star Gabriel M.C. as we celebrate his 8 (thru 9th!) birthday and enjoy what promises to be a great snipe hunting show with great bonus content like winning strategies in card games that will energize fans of Pikachú and Luxray worldwide!

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The music of John Bernal (J.B. López) is freely downloadable and distributable from a account and is directly available here.

Instrumental Music For Quiet Times

Instrumental Music For Quiet Times
Deeper In Love 2004 Instrumentals for quiet times

Music for Christmas!

Music for Christmas!
Christmas Love 2005 - produced in a Yamaha Motif ES

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