Saturday, September 29, 2012


"Deeper In Love" (2004) FREE INSTRUMENTAL ALBUM for your quiet times...

(00:00) O Spirit Rise/Lléname (4:03) Ante la hermosura de tu santidad (5:45) Brilla tu luz en la oscuridad-let your glory fill this place (9:33) He's my God (11:42) Linaje Escogido-chosen generation (13:54) Send your power (17:17) Thank you (19:58) Until I see the Son (22:41) My one true desire,Señor tú eres mi anhelo (28:53) Me pregunto si acaso ha existido alguien como tú,I just wonder (31:29) No one takes your place (34:26) Because You're Lovely (37:34) you're so Precious,precious (42:22) DEEPER IN LOVE

By J.B. López, written and produced entirely on a Yamaha "classic" Motif, thank you pastor Tony for use of the keyboard at

Check out this episode!

Click picture for my YouTube channel

Click picture for my YouTube channel
The music of John Bernal (J.B. López) is freely downloadable and distributable from a account and is directly available here.

Instrumental Music For Quiet Times

Instrumental Music For Quiet Times
Deeper In Love 2004 Instrumentals for quiet times

Music for Christmas!

Music for Christmas!
Christmas Love 2005 - produced in a Yamaha Motif ES

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